The Co.

The CO. is a creative arts therapy studio for children & teens. Owner & therapist Angel Bilagot wanted to expand her practice to a second location and attract new clients. We used video content on Instagram to position her as an expert in her field. We filmed a video ad to run on Facebook to announce her new location and added WooCommerce to her website to sell art classes & event tickets.

Paid Social Media Ad | Instagram Reels | Website Updates

Paid Social Media Ad

To introduce a second location of The CO. in Sarnia, Ontario we created a video ad for Instagram & Facebook. 


  • Script video with Angel’s input
  • Film & edit
  • Add Facebook Pixel to website to track results
  • Create a lead capture form on website
  • Create a thank you page on website
  • Traffic ad in Facebook Ads Manager

Instagram Reels

Website Updates

The CO. had a WordPress website and wanted to add some functionality so customers could sign up & pay for classes and events online. I added WooCommerce to their website to provide that functionality. After some training on how to use WooCommerce, The CO. is able to add, remove, set prices & images for their classes & events.

The CO. was running a therapeutic summer arts program and needed a page to describe this unique offering. I created a page to explain who the program was for, what the benefits were and a sign up form for parents to inquire about it.

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